Thursday, May 29, 2014

Oak Grove Graduates 2014

I had the honor of being asked by these two families to attend Oak Grove Graduation and take family pictures for them! I attended the ceremony soon realizing all of these kids were not even in high school when I graduated and that my friends... makes me feel old!! Lol but I was very appreciative of these parents for asking me to join them on this big day! Here is a little peek of that evening!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Brittany and Dallas Claire

Loved getting to shoot my best friend and her beautiful daughter! Hope you all enjoy their sneak peek! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Winnon Wedding

Could not be happier with how these pictures are turning out!! Such a beautiful wedding! I was one lucky photographer to be apart of this bride's special day! Hope you all enjoy this little peek from their wedding!